How To Send a Letter to Your Representative by Text

Image of someone using the text bot to send a letter to their representative.


By sending this letter you show you support providing basic healthcare and safety to incarcerated women in Ohio who currently suffer from inadequate access to menstrual products and urge your officials to do the same. Together, we're Changing the Cycle!

Step 1)

Text “GO COURTESYCUPS” to 50409.

Text “GO COURTESYCUPS” to 50409

Step 2)

Below is a sample of what your letter will look like. Reply “YES” to send your letter.

A sample letter with the text found on the petition page.Reply “YES” to send your letter.


Step 3)

Provide your first name only and confirm.


Provide your first name only and confirm.

Step 4)

Provide your last name only and confirm. Then provide your title.

Provide your last name only and confirm. Then provide your title.

Step 5)

Provide your email address, and confirm by retrieving a code.

Provide your email address, and confirm by retrieving a code.

Step 6)

Provide your full address, including your zip code, and confirm.

Provide your full address, including your zip code, and confirm.

Step 7)

Congratulations! Your letter has been sent to the representative for your district. 

Congrats your letter was sent confirmation.
Share the auto-generated post to your Instagram Story and share the petition link with a friend!

Auto-generated instagram post showing you signed the petition and encouraging friends to do the same. It reads "Text Sign PKTJKN to 50409 to join Savannah and tell your officials HB 30: Supporting Health, Safety, & Dignity of Incarcerated Women."